Sunday 15 July 2012

Iron Man 3d: Work in Progress

Re-Designed by Jared R.W
This is the first part of the Iron Man Mask my partner is currently working on. It was designed in 3DS Max and this took roughly one hour to get the basic shape of the mask. These are just a few images to show his progress so far.

Iron Man Mask : Low Poly (1)
This is a low poly model with a turbo smooth modifier applied.

Iron Man Mask : Low Poly (2)
This is a screenshot of the mask with a little more work done to it. The sides are starting to take shape and the bar across his eyes has been added. More work has been done to the front of the mask to get a better curve around the mask and to make sure the turbo smooth modifier applies smoothly.

Iron Man Mask : Low Poly - No Turbo Smooth Modifier (2.1)
This is an example of what the Iron Man Mask would look like with no turbo smooth modifier. As you can see the mask has lost all smoothness and now is hard edged and bulky but still has shape.

Iron Man Mask : Low Poly -Render (3)
This image is a rendered picture of the mask so far.

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